Octane Medical acquires B. Braun’s global orthobiologics business
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Octane Innovation Inc.


Medical Artificial Intelligence and Bioelectric Stimulation




Actively nurturing innovations as an idea pipeline for the Octane Group of Companies

Octane Innovation is the basecamp venture that turns our best ideas into proof-of-concept platforms, which are subsequently advanced into market-specific Octane ventures.

Once an innovation is ready for spin-off, Octane Innovation explores the best commercialization strategy — whether that means a transfer to an existing company within the Octane Group of Companies, to a new Octane venture, or to a third-party partner.

At present, Octane Innovation is working on exciting medical research applications of artificial intelligence technology and studying the untapped potential of bioelectric stimulation within the context of regenerative medicine.

We invite you to contact Octane Innovations to learn more about these and other discovery initiatives, or to explore partnership opportunities by way of confidential disclosures.

Contact Octane to learn more